

Lawrence Roulston – Mining Market Cycles, Copper Market Overview, Golden Triangle, MTB Metals Exploration Plans

June 5, 2024

Lawrence Roulston, President and CEO of MTB Metals (TSX.V:MTB – OTCQB:MBYMF) joins me for a discussion on the junior markets, action in the Golden Triangle and plans to advance MTB Metals. 


Lawrence discusses the unique state of mining markets, noting high metal prices (copper, gold, silver) but depressed equity values. He explains the cyclical nature of the industry and the strategic moves by investors and companies during downtimes. Major mining companies are shifting focus towards copper, driven by both traditional demand and new factors like electrification and electric vehicles. 


On the Company front, Lawrence highlights MTB’s flagship Telegraph porphyry copper-gold project in the Golden Triangle, the challenges of funding extensive drill programs, and the interest from major mining companies in MTB’s projects. He also mentions future plans, including further exploration and potential joint ventures or sales of secondary projects.


If you have any follow up questions for Lawrence please email me at



Click here to visit the MTB Metals website to learn more about the Company.

    Jun 05, 2024 05:17 AM

    Jim Grant: Inflation and Interest Rates More Likely to Rise Than Fall in Coming Years.

      Jun 05, 2024 05:30 PM

      Translation: The dollar will continue to lose purchasing power while bonds continue their secular bear market fall.
      There should be little doubt that Jim will be correct. The technical picture is on his side because the fundamental picture is on his side. But of course there will be countertrend blips along the way, eventually.